Cowrie necklace
Necklace made with cowrie shells, typical of Senegal.
Cowrie shells, whose scientific name is “Monetaria moneta”, have been used for thousands of years in some places in Africa and Asia as currency. For this reason, this small shell is related to wealth, power and fertility. For example, the thrones of the Bamileké kings of Cameroon are decorated with cowries, to represent power and prosperity.
Necklace made with cowrie shells, typical of Senegal.
Cowrie shells, whose scientific name is “Monetaria moneta”, have been used for thousands of years in some places in Africa and Asia as currency. For this reason, this small shell is related to wealth, power and fertility. For example, the thrones of the Bamileké kings of Cameroon are decorated with cowries, to represent power and prosperity.
The neck circumference is 50 cm.